Unresolved spectral structures emitted from heavy atom plasmas produced by short pulse laser

M. Fraenkel*, A. Zigler, A. Bar-Shalom, J. Oreg, A. Ya Faenov, T. A. Pikuz

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1 Scopus citations


Spectra of rare earth elements emitted from ultra short pulse laser produced plasma were recorded using simultaneously high and low resolution, spectrometers. A study of the broad band emission of the Δn = 1 transitions in highly ionized Ba and Sm plasma showed that this band is completely unresolved. The spectra were analyzed using the LTE based on super-transition array (STA) model. The theory reconstructs the entire Ba spectrum using a single temperature and density, whereas for Sm the discrepancies between the theory and experiment are not reconcilable. The agreement in the Ba case is attributed to the fact that BaF2 target is transparent to the laser's prepulse effects, producing a homogeneous dense plasma, whereas for Sm the dilute plasma created by the prepulse is far from LTE. The obtained results posses a significant implication to the applicability of the STA model, in particular for calculations of opacities and conversion of laser light to X-rays.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)222-224
Number of pages3
JournalPhysica Scripta
Issue number3
StatePublished - Sep 1999


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