W -dispersion particles in repulsive potentials: Quasibound states and their lifetime

Leonid D. Shvartsman, Dmitri A. Romanov

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2 Scopus citations


We consider fundamental features which emerge in the mechanics of quasiparticles with nonmonotonic (as a function of p2) dispersion law. Quasiparticles of this kind abound in modern physics, with examples ranging from holes in quantum wells to edge magnetic states in quantum wires to photons in atomic vapors to polaritons in photonic crystals and in trapped-atom lattices. The motion of such a particle in repulsive potentials gives rise to a number of counterintuitive phenomena, which carry a promise of unusual optical manifestations. A classical particle can be trapped by repulsive potentials, and the likelihood of this trapping may increase with the value of the angular momentum. Further, in contrast to the usual quantum-mechanical notion, the particle always has a quasibound state in a two-dimensional, central-force repulsive potential, while it may have no bound states in a one-dimensional analog of this potential. The binding energy of these states and their inherent decay rate are determined by a complex interplay of the parameters of the potential, the particle dispersion law, and the value of the angular momentum. We construct the energy spectrum of quasibound states in a repulsive Coulomb potential, estimate their lifetime, and predict their optical manifestations as inverted hydrogen spectral-line series.

Original languageEnglish
Article number022126
JournalPhysical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
Issue number2
StatePublished - 27 Feb 2015

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2015 American Physical Society.


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