Wavelength-selective switch and integrated wavelength demultiplexer using stacked planar lightwave circuits

Christopher R Doerr (Inventor), Dan M Marom (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


Wavelength-selective switches (WSSs) having embedded multiplexer or demultiplexer functionality include a stack of planar waveguide circuits (PLCs) in which all but one of the PLCs have identical features consisting of a single waveguide connected to a free space region, further connected to a waveguide array that terminates at the PLC edge facet, which are placed at the front focal plane of a lens, generating a spectrally resolved optical signal at the back focal plane of the lens. Due to the use of a single lens, the spectrally resolved optical signal of all the PLCs are superimposed, differing only by propagation direction. A tilting micro-mirror array at the back focal plane reflects the spectral components, implementing a wavelength-selective switch. The reflected light can couple to any of the remaining PLCs, for multiplexing, or to the different PLC in the stack, which implements the multiplexer/demultiplexer.

Original languageAmerican English
Patent numberUS2006198575
IPCH04B 10/ 60 A I
Priority date4/03/05
StatePublished - 7 Sep 2006


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