Zinc protoporphyrin levels in children in Haifa: A pilot study

Elihu D. Richter*, Moshe Berant, Fernanda Grauer, Ada Tamir, Alicja Berkowitz, Dan Oppenheim

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Zinc protoporphyrin (ZPP) levels of ≥ 40 μg dl-1 were found in blood samples of 32 (12.1%) out of 264 children living in Kiryat Yam, Haifa Bay (a sea-level neighborhood with much vehicular traffic, located 4.5 km from an industrial zone in the bay area), 22 (8.8%) out of 251 children living in Neve Shaanan (located on a mountainside, 3.5 km from an industrial zone and exposed to visible smoke pollution), and 14 (6.5%) out of 214 children from Mt Carmel (Ahuza), which is furthest from industry and where visible signs of pollution are seldom seen. Zinc protoporphyrin levels, low in non-anemic infants, were slightly higher in 1st graders from all three neighborhoods; higher levels were found in both 3rd and 6th graders from Kiryat Yam, but only in 6th graders from Neve Shaanan. The ZPP levels remained unchanged in older, Mt. Carmel children. Zinc protoporphyrin concentrations of ≥ 40 μg dl-1 varied inversely with two indices of socio-economic status (parental ethnic origin and father's educational level). Blood lead levels of ≥ 20 μg dl, of blood were found in eight (13%) out of 62 children with ZPP levels ≥ 40 μg dl-1, but in none (0%) of 14 children with ZPP levels ≥ 40 μg dl-1. Three (60%) out of five children with ZPP levels ≥ 50 μg dl-1 had Pb levels of ≥ 20 μg dl-1. In Kiryat Yam, Pb(B) was higher in 31 children with ZPP ≥ 40 μg dl-1 compared with 13 with ZPP < 40 μg dl-1. The data on age-associated increases in ZPP in children suggest the possibility of an effect on red blood cell porphyrin metabolism, in some cases from cumulative low level lead exposures, and in others from iron deficiency, especially in poorer socio-economic groups. The findings call for further studies, both in the populations studied here, and elsewhere, to determine the role of lead toxicity and iron deficiency in children of all age groups, and the need for preventive action.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)109-121
Number of pages13
JournalScience of the Total Environment
Issue number1-2
StatePublished - Jan 1986


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